(Updated May 2015)

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Society of University Urologists is to provide leadership and representation for academic urologists. The Society provides a forum to examine, discuss and establish policy for academic urology practice and provide a mechanism for improving urologic teaching, research, practice and patient care. The SUU will provide a vehicle for faculty development, clinical and laboratory research, urologic education, academic health policy and will encourage the highest quality urologic care.

Vision Statement:
The Society of University Urologists seeks be the world’s leading and innovative society for academic urologists.


SECTION 1. The society shall consist of active members, senior members, and honorary members

SECTION 2. Active Members.

  1. Active membership may be requested by those faculty members of a urology division or department at United States and Canadian academic urologic training institutions who have demonstrated interest and achievement in urologic education. Active membership applications must be requested and completed by the applicant prior to consideration for membership
  2. The application must be accompanied by letters from the head of the department or section of urology, or the dean of the medical school or equivalent administrative officer of the institution from which the candidate derives his or her appointment. These letters should describe fully the past and present activities of the candidate as they may bear on his or her future promise as a urologic educator.
  3. The Executive office will provide the Membership Committee the Membership Applications and any pertinent data on a monthly rolling basis.
  4. The Membership Committee will carry out such additional investigations of the candidates as seem appropriate and will approve those candidates who are qualified for membership.

SECTION 3. Senior Members. Application for senior membership status may be made to the Membership Committee by any members who have attained the age of sixty and have maintained active membership for ten years. Senior members shall have no voting rights and will be exempt from the payment of dues and assessments.

SECTION 4. Honorary Members. Distinguished persons, urologists or non-urologists, who have demonstrated interest or achievement in urologic education, may be elected to honorary membership. Honorary members shall have no voting rights and will be exempt from the payment of dues and assessments. The procedure for nomination and election shall be:

  1. A nomination form signed by two members of the Society shall be filed with the Secretary as least six months before the date of the annual meeting of the Society which the candidate is to be considered.
  2. The nomination must be accompanied by letters from the nominators as well as letters from Society members from four other universities. These letters should describe fully the past and present activities of the candidate as they bear on his or her role in urologic education.
  3. The Membership Committee will consider the nominations in the same manner and time frame as for Active members.


SECTION 1. Quorum. The quorum required to conduct the affairs of the Society at any regular business meeting shall consist of not less than twenty members.

SECTION 2. Elections. The election of officers and councilors of the Society shall be by majority of those members present and voting at the regular annual business meeting of the Society.

SECTION 3. Vacancies. In the event of vacancy for any reason in any office or committee appointment, such vacancy shall be filled by presidential appointment upon advice of the Executive Council, except that vacancy in the office of the President shall be fulfilled by succession of the President-Elect, who shall complete the unexpired term as well as the prescribed succeeding term.


SECTION 1. President. The President-Elect of the Society shall become President following one year of service as President-Elect or if the President is unable to complete the term of office. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Executive Council, shall make such committee appointments as are prescribed and necessary, and shall be responsible for the general conduct of affairs of the Society.

SECTION 2. President-Elect. The President-Elect of the Society shall be elected annually, and shall succeed to the presidency of the Society in the succeeding year. The President-Elect shall be Chairman of the Program Committee, shall preside at the meetings of the Society or the Executive Council in the absence or disability of the President, and shall advise and assist the President as necessary.

SECTION 3. Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Society shall be elected to a 3-year term. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the records of the Society, the membership roster with the dates of admission and places of residence, and the business affairs of the Society, including the collection of dues and assessments. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be reimbursed for such expenses as may have been encountered in the proper execution of the office.


There shall be six councilors, elected to 5-year terms, representing the membership in Executive Council.


SECTION 1. Composition. The Executive Council of the Society shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, six councilors, and the immediate past-president of the Society.

SECTION 2. Liaison Representatives. Liaison representatives to other organizations shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Council.

SECTION 3. Responsibilities. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Council of the Society to direct the affairs of the Society and to recommend action by the membership.

SECTION 4. The Executive Council of the Society shall meet at least once annually and always in conjunction with the regular meeting of the Society.


The Society shall meet not less often than annually at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Council and announced to all the membership.


SECTION 1. Dues. Dues shall be paid by each Active member of the Society, due and payable at the beginning of the fiscal year. The executive Council will set the amount of the dues annually and any upward charge will be voted on by the membership at the annual meeting. Nonpayment of dues shall be cause for revocation of membership. After 2 dues notices have not been paid, the Secretary-Treasurer will notify the delinquent member that he or she has ninety days in which to pay the dues or membership will be terminated.

SECTION 2. Assessments. Special assessment against the membership may be recommended by the Executive Council and levied by majority vote of the membership in any annual meeting for the purposes necessary to the proper conduct of the affairs of the Society. Such assessments shall be due and payable at the beginning of the fiscal year, and nonpayment of such assessment shall be cause for revocation of membership.

SECTION 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Society shall be the calendar year.


SECTION 1. Committees of this Society shall consist of the Nominating Committee, the Membership Committee, the Program Committee, the bylaws Committee, the Geriatrics Committee, the Health Policy Committee, the Research Committee, the VA Liaison Committee and other such committees necessary to the conduct of the affairs of the Society.

SECTION 2. Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members. One member shall be a councilor of the Society. The second member shall be the immediate past-president of the Society who shall serve as chairman of the committee. The third member shall be nominated and elected by the general membership of the Society. The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the membership a slate of officers and councilors for annual elections. They will also nominate a slate of three (3) nominees for each open sectional representative position on the SUCPD Board of Directors. These nominees will be members of both SUU and be the program director or urology chair of the university that is a member of SUCPD.

SECTION 3. Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall consist of one Active member who is neither an officer nor a councilor of the Society, as well as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society. The Active member will serve as the Chairman. The term is three years and is selected by the nominating committee.

SECTION 4. Program Committee. The Program Committee shall consist of the President-Elect, and the Secretary-Treasurer. The President-Elect shall act as Chairman of the committee.

SECTION 5. Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Committee when bylaws need to be reviewed and updated. The President shall nominate the chair of the committee.

SECTION 6. Geriatrics Committee. The Geriatrics Committee shall inform the Executive Committee of issues concerning university urologists in relation to Geriatrics. President shall nominate the chair of the committee.

SECTION 7. Health Policy Committee. The Health Policy Committee shall consist of up to six members and the president serving as an ex-officio member. The chair of the committee will be selected by the Executive Council. The Committee members shall be nominated by the Chair of the Health Policy Committee with consideration of geographic representation and approval of the president. Committee members' terms should be staggered. Members shall serve for a three-year term with the ability for one renewable term. The Chair will serve for two years with a renewable term. The Chair shall serve as the Society of University Urologists' representative to the AUA Health Policy Council. The Chair will be supported to attend required AUA/AACU committee meetings. The committee will give a report to the membership at the annual meeting.

SECTION 8. Research Committee. The Research Committee shall inform the Executive Committee of issues concerning university urologists in relation to Research. The President shall nominate the chair of the committee.

SECTION 9. VA Liaison Committee. The VA Liaison Committee shall inform the Executive Committee of issues concerning university urologists in relation to VA’s. The President shall nominate the chair of the committee.

SECTION 10. Other committees. Other committees may be appointed by the president on an annual basis when necessary.


Papers and presentations which come before the Society may be reviewed by the Executive Council for purpose of approval and recommendation for publication in the journal of choice of Executive Council.


Amendments, deletions, and additions to the Bylaws may be effected by a majority of members present and voting at any regular business meeting, provided that written presentation of such proposed amendments, deletions, or additions has been given to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the ballot.


Proceedings of the Society will be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.


Each Active member of the Society has one vote. Ten or more Society members present at a regular Society meeting at the time of any particular vote may request that the vote be put to the entire Active membership. It will then become the Secretary-Treasurer’s duty to arrange such a mail vote.